Une jeune protagoniste nommée Denga, une femme Venda ensoleillée, énergique et acérée, qui a grandi dans un village sans ressources et sans studios professionnels,. Elle survit en travaillant au palais de Gwamasingo afin de gagner sa vie. Son objectif est de devenir une chanteuse mondialement connue. Afin de réaliser son objectif, elle s’inscrit régulièrement aux concours de musique. Elles est enfin acceptée par le show « Unmask »(masqué(e). La vie de Denga est bouleversée lorsqu’elle apprend la maladie de sa mère. Complètement mal préparée, Denga n’a d’autre choix que de réévaluer ses objectifs de vie.
A young female protagonist named Denga, a sunny, energetic, sharp, Venda woman, who grew up in a village with lack of resources and professional studios, survive by basking at the Palace of Gwamasingo in order for her to earn an income. Her goal is to become a worldwide musician. In order to archive her goal she is constantly writing and sending letters to music competitions and is then accepted by one called Unmask Me. Denga’s Life turns upside down as she receive news about her mother’s health. Completely unprepared, Denga is left with no choice but to re-evaluate what to do with her life. To survive she then finds herself working at her one night stand lover’s Casino where the Unmask Me competition is hosted. Mike, the son of a famous business woman, named Mrs Rida, who considers villagers as peasants and only wants Sunshine a Xhosa woman as her daughter in law. All her struggles where merely an obstacle for her to overcome in order to archive her dreams.
Réa. | DirectorsJedy MulovhedziPays | Country Afrique du SudDate23 Oct.Horaire | Hour17H50 | 5:50PMDurée | Length1:30:00Lieu | LocationEspace MiramarTicketsBilletterie | Ticketing