Dans ce conte urbain contemporain, Hiphop, 13 ans, reçoit des médias l’expérience d’une vie qui va le transformer pour toujours. Hiphop, Grafitti et Selector sont tous des adolescents qui essaient de s’exprimer et de se faire entendre et gagner en visibilité…
In this contemporary urban tale, Hiphop at the adolescent age of 13, is granted the deal of a lifetime from the Media Family that changes him and his friend’s life forever. The Legend of Hiphop Summary: For many generations the Media Family has been capitalizing on everything and everyone without any emotional ties to their products. To gain more exposure the Media Family recruit 3 friends to become their unknowing minions. Hiphop, Grafitti and Selector are all teenagers trying to express themselves and be heard in this Media driven society.
Réa. | DirectorsJibril HaynesPays | Country United StatesDurée | Length42:00