Paul est un jeune homme des Caraïbes vivant à Londres. Tout en étant un brillant cadre financier à la City, il s’autodétruit cependant en rejetant ses racines, sa famille et en piétinant sa femme et sa fille. Tous soupçonnent qu’un terrible drame familial a provoqué son changement de comportement. Pourtant, seul Paul peut sortir de son silence en affrontant son passé et ses secrets cachés…
Paul is a young caribbean man living in London. While being a brilliant financial executive in the City, he self-destructs himself though by rejecting his roots, his family and trampling his wife and daughter. All suspects that a terrible family drama caused his change of behavior. However, only Paul can break out from his silence by facing his past and its hidden secrets …
Réa. | DirectorsJulien DallePays | Country France - GuadeloupeDate20 OCTHoraire | Hour20H00 - 8:00PMDurée | Length00:51:10Lieu | LocationEspace MiramarTicketsBilletterie | Ticketing