Alors que son sort était décidé, Patrice Lumumba décida d’écrire une lettre à sa femme, en gage de la promesse qu’il s’était faite quant à son pays et à son peuple. Cette lettre, bien que gardant un ton militant, dévoile un visage de Lumumba plus privé, mais aussi plus libre encore d’exprimer ce qui est au plus profond de lui. Ce récit, principalement raconté en ses propres mots, redonne à Lumumba l’humanité dont il a été déchu au cours de sa carrière. Il s’agit là de comprendre la passion qui animait ses convictions, mais surtout, de voir l’homme derrière l’emblème politique, faisant face à un destin qui petit à petit, lui échappe.
As his fate was decided, Patrice Lumumba decided to write a letter to his wife, as a token of the promise he had made to himself about his country and his people. This letter, although keeping a militant tone, reveals the more private side of Lumumba, yet freer still to express what is deep inside him. This story, mainly told in his own words, gives Lumumba back the humanity he was not afforded throughout his career. It is about understanding the passion that animated his convictions. But above all, it is about seeing the man behind the political emblem, facing a destiny that gradually escapes him.
Réa. | DirectorsPatrick KabeyaDurée | Length1:10:14