David Medford, a besoin d’argent maintenant. Son salaire est supprimé. Il a un prêt hypothécaire a honorer. Et sa fille a besoin de traitements médicaux coûteux. Son épouse Alexis l’appuie mais l’exhorte à intégrer un groupe d’hommes chrétiens. Ce qu’il fait à contrecœur, mais cela ne change pas sa situation. David envisage de se joindre à son ami de longue date, Conner, qui savait toujours gagné beaucoup d’argent dans l’illégalité.
David Medford, needs money, now. His salary is cut, his mortgage is past due and his daughter needs expensive medical treatment. His wife Alexis is supportive but urges him to attend a Christian men’s group for accountability, which he reluctantly does, but it doesn’t change the situation. David considers linking up with his long-time friend, Conner, who always knew how to make money, even if it was illegal.
Réa. | DirectorsMyron Davis