À Tunis, vit la petite Aya avec ses parents salafistes ; Meriem et Youssef. Déchiré entre son amour pour sa femme et sa crainte d’être banni de sa communauté salafiste, Youssef n’a d’autre choix que de forcer sa femme à porter le Niqab. Mais un jour, un événement brusque bouleversera à jamais le destin de cette famille fragile.
In an inner city neighborhood in Tunisia lives Aya, a 6-year-old little girl. Her father Youssef, torn between his love for his wife and his fear of being banished from the Salafi community of which he is a member, has no choice but to force her to wear the Niqab. But one day, a special event disrupts the life of this fragile family.
Réa. | DirectorsMoufida Fedhila Pays | Country TunisieDurée | Length23'