Synopsis (FR) : En 1973, Eunice Johnson, la fondatrice des magazines Ebony et Jet, constate un problème : les femmes noires doivent mélanger elles-mêmes leur fond de teint afin de trouver une couleur assortie à leur peau. Pour résoudre le problème, Johnson a lancé Fashion Fair, la première entreprise nationale de cosmétiques entièrement axée sur les femmes noires.
Ce film suit l’actuelle PDG de Fashion Fair Desiree Rogers et la présidente Cheryl Mayberry McKissack.

Synopsis (EN):  (THE BEAUTY OF BLACKNESS)  In 1973, Eunice Johnson, the founder of Ebony and Jet, noticed a problem: Black women had to mix their own foundation in order to find a color that matched their skin. To tackle the problem, Johnson launched Fashion Fair, the first national cosmetics company that focused entirely on Black women. The brand triggered a renaissance in style amongst Black women and the global cosmetics industry took notice. Now Fashion Fair is staging its comeback as a black-owned business in a new era defined by massive cultural shifts and increased competition. This film follows current Fashion Fair CEO Desiree Rogers and President Cheryl Mayberry McKissack as they chart a path as Black women entrepreneurs at the helm of a revived, iconic brand.

Réalisateur(trice)/Director: Tiffany Johnson

Séance/Screening: Le samedi 22 octobre à 11h00/Saturday, October 22nd at 11:00AM

Durée/length: 01:10:00

Genre: Long-métrage, documentaire /Feature, documentary

Origine : États-Unis/United States

Année/Year: 2021


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